In the US, only 18% of people graduating with a Computer Science
Bachelor are female. Moreover, women who continue to pursue Computer
Science leave the profession because for many women engineering
students, their first encounter with collaboration is to be treated in
gender stereotypical ways, mostly by their peers.
Women account for only 30.9% of Google's Global Workforce. Moreover,
Google was forced to hand over it's statistics in 2017 which state that
female British employees are payed on average 17 percent less than men,
and American women who work full time are on average payed 20
percent less than men.
Only 20% of Computer Science professionals are Women. This means that
for every female Computer Science professional, there are 4 male
Computer Science professionals.
For every 1$ a Male in CS makes, Women in CS earn 91ยข.
(That doesnt seem like a lot, but starting wage for Computer Scientist
is around 70K a year, and that's a difference of 6.3K a year!)
That's 6 Macbook Airs!!
In some cases to avoid this, major companies, such as Google, have
avoided this by bringing down the salaries of men to avoid
class-action lawsuits.
One reason Women are underrepresented in Computer Science is because
they are not presented the opportunity at a younger age. Only 45% of
American High Schools offer Computer Science programs.